What core values do you need at Respellion?

We have four core values which form the basis for our organisation, the cooperation, and the behaviour we strive for. In our application process, we will find out together how these values are expressed in you.


We give trust by allowing room for autonomy. We trust another and are open and transparent. That’s why we talk with another instead of about the other person. We have faith in someone else’s intentions, assume the right and express that trust. Everyone can rely on each other, and we stand for results.


We have courage and dare to deviate from the traditional way of working when we see things we can improve. It’s okay to make mistakes. In this way, we learn to do (even) better. We dare to make ourselves vulnerable and welcome feedback. We like to do things differently. That makes us a bit rebellious, but we always have good reasoning.


We make clear agreements and honour them. We take responsibility for our activities and set clear priorities. We have the discipline to develop ourselves and want to be the best in our field. Trust requires self-control and the courage to take a step beyond your own ego.


We are committed and driven entrepreneurs who think in terms of opportunities and possibilities. For our environment and for ourselves. Because things will change, we are flexible and critical. When we tackle something, we do it with both hands and we feel responsible for the result.

These core values are ultimately reflected in our manifest:

Respellion manifest

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  • Society is a system of networks that is always in motion. Success comes from the ability to adapt. Adapting is needed on an organizational and individual level. We want to keep learning and align what we do with each other and society.

  • We believe in cooperation as it is needed in a society. Dealing with each other as you do in a village or neighbourhood. Here reliability is a great asset, with attention to the interests of others.

    Our vision is that there is no individual interest that takes precedence over the collective interest. This requires self-insight and awareness of our values, beliefs and behaviour. That insight is necessary to ensure that we choose the collective instead of following our ego.

  • There is no “ladder of success” in our organization. We have a responsibility to take care of each other rather than pursue individual interests. We are a collective of professional, skilled people. We hold each other accountable for this responsibility with a caring attitude, which leads to better cooperation and therefore high-quality services. As a result, we practice what we preach and are congruent in our behaviour.

  • We are convinced that sustainable solutions are only possible if attention is paid to the balance between people, planet and profit. We don’t think in terms of us and them. Long-term results always outweigh short-term interests. The open-source model fits in seamlessly with this vision.