Patrick Smulders

My passion for IT began at a young age with the Commodore 64. Although initially limited to computer games, it sparked my curiosity about technology, from analog modems and the Tulip AT 386 PC, to the internet and handheld devices.

After completing my studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam, with a specialization in information management, I began my career in IT consultancy. In 2012, I joined QDelft, which was later acquired by Netcompany in 2019. Through establishing contracts, hiring the right employees, and implementing large IT projects, we built a successful company founded on long-term relationships with our clients.

Aside from work and family, sports are my greatest passion. Over the years, I’ve completed numerous half and full marathons, (ultra) trails, cycling tours, and triathlons. I have qualified for the 2024 Ironman World Championships in Hawaii, the birthplace of triathlon.

I see significant similarities between my approach to sports and work: goal oriented, collaborative with a skilled team, and a substantial amount of discipline and perseverance. The journey and relationships formed along the way are as crucial as achieving the goal.

With pleasure, I bring these qualities to the DNA of Respellion: be the best version of yourself!